Our online stores

If you need to order quickly or require a smaller quantity of material, take a look at our online stores.
In both areas, it is possible to order a material certificate for the desired material as an option.

Cuts available immediately

The store for ready-cut block and panel material.

Standard bearing program

Here you will find pre-assembled lengths from our stock range.

Store for immediately available blanks

In this store you will find blanks made from forged block material and rolled plates.
And, of course, other stainless steel materials in round, flat or tubular form.
This online store is aimed at the B2B customer base.

Unfortunately, our existing customers currently have to register again.

Store for the standard stock program

In this online store you will find ready-cut products from our stock range up to a length of 6 meters.
There is no minimum order value and purchases are possible for private and business customers.

The payment methods available to you are prepayment, direct debit, credit card or purchase on account via PayPal.

Write to us

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Contact us


Blech + Profil RL Edelstahlhandelsgesellschaft mbH

2a, 96465 Neustadt b. Coburg

+49 9568 89675-0

+49 9568 89675-69